Meet the Wedding Party!

We hit the three month count down this past Saturday, and the plans are moving forward with relatively little interference. One of the many discussions Billy and I have had in regards to the wedding, include the size of our bridal party. I have spent hours, no exaggeration, researching what is considered the appropriate number of bridesmaids. Most every site I delved into left me with no conclusive answer, except this: do what feels right. Since my life has been surrounded with loving family and friends, whom I consider family, it only feels right to include them. My ten bridesmaids comprise my dearest family, that have grown, explored, celebrated and laughed, cried, and succeeded with me through out the course of my 24 years. This is after all, one of the great adventures of my life; who better to share it with? That said, I'd like to introduce the ladies that will accompany me August 30th.

Maid of Honor: Melissa Thompson, my sister and life long best friend.
Matron of Honor: Amanda Moore Varela, along with her 30 week old baby. :)

The following three ladies will be joining us from Connecticut, we have memories together that are so old, only pictures can recount them:

Sadie St. Jean
Allison Depasse
Katie Lavimoniere

The following bridesmaids are South Carolina residents and have been my closest and dearest friends since I have moved here in 2002:

Katie Kent, my baby cousin
Marisol Slater, (future sister-in-law!!)
Vanessa Bassett
Meredith Fields
Allie Crutchman

I have been very blessed to have met and maintained many wonderful relationships throughout my life, and am thankful for each one of the above mentioned, and for their accepting the role of bridesmaid!


Anonymous said...

So, its pretty exciting to me that I'll have a sister-in-law!

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