
Welcome to Charleston! We know you'll love your stay here, as there is so much to do and see, but first you'll need somewhere to sleep! We have rooms reserved at two hotel locations for August 29th and August 30, one located in Mount Pleasant, SC and the other in downtown Charleston. While we have discounted rates for these hotels, there are many, many different hotels in the area that may suit your needs and preferences better.

Best Western, Downtown Charleston
250 Spring Street, Charleston, South Carolina, 29403
The Best Western is located near, but just out of comfortable walking distance to St. Luke's Chapel. It's offers views of the harbor, from the downtown side. This hotel also has plenty of free parking, which is a plus downtown! They have given us a great deal at $99.99/Saturday and $79.99/Sunday. Rooms must be booked by July 28 to receive the discounted rate.
Shem Creek Inn
1401 Shrimp Boat Lane Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464
The Shem Creek Inn is located across the creek from our reception site, the Cottage on the Creek. You literally can see the Shem Creek Inn from the dock and deck area of our reception, in that respect, it's a great option, as it's in walking distance. It has been recently renovated, and has beautiful marsh side views and creek side views. We have it reserved for $159.00/Saturday and $99/Sunday. They will keep this rate for your reservation, as long as it's made on or before August 1, 2009. Their website is great, and has directions and further information about the Inn.

Meet my Groom!

It occurred to me, after writing about my bridesmaids that I should let everyone know about the groom! Most friends and family have met Billy, but since I love him, and love talking about him, I'll write a little about him.

I met Billy in early spring 2006, the day he came back to Charleston, SC after being deployed in Iraq. He came back in great shape, and we started out running together, almost everyday. Once we ran 10 miles! (That's a lot for me...) We made our way through our senior year of college together, at the College of Charleston. I was a Biology/Spanish double major and Billy majored in International Business and Latin American/Caribbean studies. Despite the different majors, it turned out we had a lot in common, we like the same foods, sailing, running, tennis, the beach, we even found out that we made many of the same friends independently, before we started dating.

The fact that we are getting married speaks a world about Billy. He is everything you could ask for: trustworthy, kind, funny, smart, ambitious, dependable, humble. He just finished his first year of law school at the Charleston School of Law, which was very successful. He made the dean's list, which is pretty hard to do in Law School, and involved himself in a few of the school's organizations. He is also a Staff Sergeant in the Army Reserve. There are a lot of things Billy has done that make me so proud. Every year the Army holds a competition for the best of the best, and he was nominated by his unit to compete. Well, guess who finished 2nd? Of the entire army, after being tested physically, mentally, and put through emotional endurance tests, Billy came in as the runner-up in the best warrior competition! For the next two weeks he is out of town in Kansas, training for the army, and he'll probably detest the fact I'm writing all about him!

If you haven't met Billy before, then there should be no lack of subject matter to talk about when you do meet him. He has started a DJ company with Brett, his best man. He loves electronics, particularly apple products, and knows a lot about cutting edge technology. He works hard, and helps Melissa and I with gardening around the house, and fixes things when required, for which we are grateful!

We found out April 1 that Billy is scheduled to deploy this November, although we are not sure where or how long his tour will be. In the face of this newest challenge, I'm faithful that all of the qualities that make Billy a great person and solider will enable him to come home safely. I feel at peace about his deployment most of the time, as Billy is optimistic and reassures us he can handle his call to duty.

Who knows, maybe he'll return in as good of shape as when I first met him. <3


Meet the Wedding Party!

We hit the three month count down this past Saturday, and the plans are moving forward with relatively little interference. One of the many discussions Billy and I have had in regards to the wedding, include the size of our bridal party. I have spent hours, no exaggeration, researching what is considered the appropriate number of bridesmaids. Most every site I delved into left me with no conclusive answer, except this: do what feels right. Since my life has been surrounded with loving family and friends, whom I consider family, it only feels right to include them. My ten bridesmaids comprise my dearest family, that have grown, explored, celebrated and laughed, cried, and succeeded with me through out the course of my 24 years. This is after all, one of the great adventures of my life; who better to share it with? That said, I'd like to introduce the ladies that will accompany me August 30th.

Maid of Honor: Melissa Thompson, my sister and life long best friend.
Matron of Honor: Amanda Moore Varela, along with her 30 week old baby. :)

The following three ladies will be joining us from Connecticut, we have memories together that are so old, only pictures can recount them:

Sadie St. Jean
Allison Depasse
Katie Lavimoniere

The following bridesmaids are South Carolina residents and have been my closest and dearest friends since I have moved here in 2002:

Katie Kent, my baby cousin
Marisol Slater, (future sister-in-law!!)
Vanessa Bassett
Meredith Fields
Allie Crutchman

I have been very blessed to have met and maintained many wonderful relationships throughout my life, and am thankful for each one of the above mentioned, and for their accepting the role of bridesmaid!