New Church Video

Today we took a tour of St. Luke's Chapel, and I took a (slightly blurry) video of it on my Iphone. Here it is! Enjoy!


A Couple of Updates

Hey everyone!
I think this website has reached its final form after spending a week or so fiddling around with it. At the top, the links currently point to RSS feeds. If you aren't familiar with RSS, its a neat way to keep track of websites that you might visit on a regular basis. An RSS reader can compile the most current updates or postings from this and other websites into one convenient spot. Ask me in the comments if you'd like more on that. That said, I may change those links if I can find something more relevant to put there. (RSS links are at the bottom of the page anyway..) I did place a link to my photo albums in the "Photos" link. There are some good pictures from the last year or so there.

Enough with the web design, Amy and I are trying to decide whether we'd rather have items on the menu like "Marinated Shrimp and Eggplant Caponata Crostini" and "White Truffle Barbecued Pulled Pork in a Puff Pastry Bouchee" OR "Whole Hog Pork Pickin" served with Lowcountry Boil and "Big Flavor Black Beans." What is Bouchee? The latter menu items are care of The Crazy Dutchman, and I think we like his vibes a little better. Anyone have catering or menu suggestions?



Saint Luke's Chapel

On that heavenly note, thought I'd post some pictures of the chapel where we'll be hosting the ceremony. The structure was built sometime between 1825 and 1832, and was originally part of the federal arsenal before the Civil War. After the war, It was obtained in by the Reverend Anthony Toomer Porter for the education of boys orphaned or left destitute by the Civil War. In 1883 Dr. Porter converted the artillery shed into a chapel. I hope he didn't forget to remove any... But, as you can see, it looks very nice now and has a of history behind it. Here's the link to the chapel.



God's Love and Ours
This is how God showed his love among us: He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live though him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.
1 John 4:9-12

Cottage on the Creek

We've decided to hold the reception at a little place called Cottage on the Creek. It's situated right on Shem Creek next to Red's and RB's. It has a huge deck right on the water that is perfect for oysters... that's right, oysters. We should be getting to the reception around 7 PM that evening assuming everything goes smoothly at the ceremony. Any ideas for decorations or activities? Leave them in the comments!



The First Post

Well hello everyone! This is where Amy and I will be communicating with you regarding our upcoming (soon! Sunday, August 30, 2009) wedding in Charleston, SC. There are no guarantees that the information communicated will be useful and/or relevant, but we hope you enjoy reading it anyway! We'll be posting a lot more in the very near future, I just need to figure out this blogger thing... Please check back soon for more!
